Smoke Shack
2 Amoy Street, Far East Square, Singapore
Food lover attention! Smoke Shack Delicatessen is as close as you can get to the famous Katz's Deli in New York City. We are not talking about the pre-made sandwich sitting in the plastic box or those that carefully calculate the calories you will take in after devour your selection of food. Smoke Shack offer the designer smoke meat and variety of bread to go along with and generous portion that keep you filled up quite a bit.
We having some discussion about how to streamline the fast food service kiosk operation process by leveraging on the Vend POS. Eventually Vend's iPad App just fit right into the picture. It simplify the ordering process and kitchen communication by having single iPad print to front desk printer and kitchen printer and get rid of the food bidding step, i.e. "who order the burger".
"It just not making sense to have the office executives wait for 10 minutes and get the wrong order", that is the scenario we encounter while taking order with a cash register. We are serving great food and designer coffee and we are giving our customer the experience that match the quality of our food.